When the kids move away, it’s time to play. Facing an empty nest can be disheartening, or it can be a chance to turn your home into the house you’ve always dreamed of. There are plenty of home redesign and DIY projects you can take on to make the most of your newfound space. Since there are fewer people at home, upgrades will be more affordable and less of an upheaval to everyday life. There’s never been a better time to give your home a big new makeover. Here are a few ideas you can consider:

An Addition

The fact that your kids have moved out doesn’t necessarily mean you want to get rid of their rooms just yet. After all, it will be good to have them around for visits around holidays or should they ever need to move back home. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t have a new space to play with.

Consider adding an addition to your home that you can use for your big project. Before you get started, however, make sure you’ve figured out your budget. Building an addition costs homeowners $42,000 on average, per The Spruce, and spending more is easily possible depending on the project you have in mind. Thorough research and planning will help you ensure you stay in your desired price range — although keep in mind that things often overstep the original estimates.

Obviously this is a costly upgrade. With larger renovations, many homeowners opt for refinancing. Just keep in mind that while refinancing is a popular and worthwhile strategy, it’s not always the best solution — especially if you have an eye on eventually downsizing. If you plan to sell within a few years, you’re better off waiting to take out a new loan when you make your next home purchase. 

A Home Gym

Getting older makes staying in shape harder, and there are few things less motivating than the journey to your local gym. If you had a gym in the house, however, you’d only have to make your way to another room to knock out your daily workout. Getting the recommended thirty minutes of exercise a day couldn’t be easier!

When planning your home gym, stick with the basics. A set of weights and a simple cardio machine should do the trick. Make sure you pick a machine you’ll actually use: Don’t get a treadmill if you hate running, or a rowing machine if you’ve never tried one. There’s nothing worse than buying a workout device just to watch it gather dust.

A Home Office

Are you still working or interested in starting your own business? Adding a home office can improve your productivity and focus. You can transform an unused bedroom into a workspace. Repaint the room in a calming color, add extra lighting if necessary, and declutter the space to keep organized. It’s also a good idea to invest in some comfortable furniture such as an ergonomic chair and desk. Don’t forget storage; filing cabinets and shelving, for example, can help ensure this place stays neat and tidy.

A Swimming Pool

Have you always wanted the perfect excuse to host the family reunion or get the kids to come home for a summer party? Having a swimming pool installed is a great way to stay cool in the hot months and be a hosting superstar. There are plenty of elements to consider before getting a pool installed, however, such as the pros and cons of above-ground vs. in-ground pools, and how you’ll keep little ones safe when they visit.

There are also practical matters to consider as far as your property is concerned. The type of soil and shape of your property could make certain pool designs unwise. Make sure you hire an experienced contractor to plan the pool for you so you can be sure that you’re not inadvertently making any mistakes along the way.

A Workshop

If you have a hobby or pet passion you’ve always wanted more space to pursue, consider turning a room into a workshop. Whether you’re knitting, painting, building tables, or more, having your own dedicated workspace will allow your work to blossom. Depending on how much time you’re able to put into it, you may even be able to turn it into a moneymaker via selling your work online or at local craft fairs.

The kids moving out doesn’t have to be a sad affair. Although one stage of life is coming to a close, another is opening up before you. Make the most of this time and turn your home into your perfect space.

Photo Credit: Pexels