Our HVAC systems are a central part of our homes. They insulate us from temperature extremes and keep us comfortable indoors. Yet, without proper maintenance, they can suffer from avoidable issues and breakdowns. Thankfully, you can keep them in working order yourself by following a few simple maintenance tips:

Learn About Your System

This may sound daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. HVAC systems are complex machines. However, with some research and know-how, you can be confident when maintaining them. Knowing the varying parts that make up an HVAC will also help enable you to identify problems and consider solutions. Your manual will contain a lot of information; of course, you may not have your manual on hand, but there is probably an online version. Begin your search with the manufacturer’s website. If that fails, a Google search may lead you to the right guide.

Replace Filters

One of the best things you can do to maintain your HVAC is to change out the air filters. The filter is an essential component of your system, but it can be easily replaced. Before you do, it’s important to know when they need to be switched. If you use your machine for six months or longer at a time, then filters need to be changed monthly. Other factors also play a role in how often you should swap out your filter. For example, pet hair can circulate in the air and clog up filters, as can smoking or using a fireplace. Allergies and location may also necessitate frequent changing of the filters. Make sure the filter you choose is compatible with your system, as the wrong one can cause problems. Check your HVAC manual so you know what to look for.

Check Regularly

HVACs have many different pieces that need to work well for the whole system to serve its purpose. Once you are familiar with the machine, you should do a thorough inspection. A good place to start is the air filter, as it is often the source of common problems. They accumulate debris and dirt, impeding flow which puts more pressure on your machine. Ice buildup or blown fuses are other areas to focus on — even adjusting thermostat settings can show a marked improvement in performance. Keeping your system in good condition should carry on through the year, as you want it ready to handle all kinds of weather. So, during colder weather, regularly check that your heat pump is protected, and consider using emergency heat to prevent freezing. Having a well-maintained HVAC system is also important if you’re getting your home appraised, as this is one thing that appraisers will keep an eye on during their inspection.

Lessen the Strain

We put our HVAC systems through a lot. Unfortunately, the more we rely on them, the less efficient they may be and the more likely they are to need repairs. Cutting back on HVAC use can save you money and preserve your machine. One action you can take is to close your blinds when temperatures soar, which helps take the strain off your thermostat by creating a barrier to retain cooler air. You can reinforce this by installing ceiling fans, which keep rooms cooler while using less energy. Your HVAC is essential, so give it some extra support.

Bring in Professionals

Simple maintenance is something that you can do on your own and helps ensure preventable issues do not occur. However, repairing an HVAC is an entirely different situation. It is potentially dangerous and could cost you more money than you might save trying to do repairs yourself. Using professionals has another advantage: pros may offer maintenance advice and give valuable insight into what you can do to prevent issues from reoccurring. As with any contract work, take precautions to make sure whoever you hire is the real deal. Do a thorough background check, and look online for both good and bad reviews. Lastly, have questions ready, and ensure any agreements are in writing.

Learning to maintain an HVAC system can be rewarding, because you can help extend the life of your unit. Take the time to invest both time and money into your HVAC.

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